
Friday, July 26, 2019

  • We are reading Fantastic Mr Fox
  • We are studying a novel 
  • so that way we can learn big words and read more 
  • By only looking at the cover, what can we infer or
  • guess about the story? 
  • That it's about a fox It is fantastic 
  • After reading the back cover, what do you think the story is about? Make a prediction on what will happen. I think it is about a fox that is stealing chickens and then making the farmers really mad 
  • story is about? Make a prediction on what will happen. That they will steal chickens and get a real big trouble
  • Using your prior knowledge, why do you think I have selected this book for us to read? 
  • Because of its interesting vocabulary and Long words

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Chapter 1  The Surprise.

Charlie and Rose win the Lotto on a sunny day by the shop. They were withdrawal the ten hundred dollars And ask the people to help them load it into a truck the truck driver starts to drive down the road towards the school where the money is getting donated Boom Boom Bang Bang... the truck breaks down. 

chapter 2  Getting robbed.

random car pulls up robbers  try to jump in and grab out the money and the police come and the they start to run.

Chapter 3  The donation. 

 the police arrest the robbers and everybody comes and pushes the truck the donation. Where are the money will be donated to the school and everybody is happy and the school is happy as well.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

fossil fuels

Hi today we are going to
be talking about fossil fuels
and how it affects the environment
a bit is a very big effect on coll to cause
coll is in the ground so they have to dig it out
which can ruin a land that they dig out Therese

and all that that it's really bad for the  me and Environment
it's a very bad for it cause well it's very it's very bad for the

environment cuz well you did everything I've been well everything
is destroyed in the of a big hole in the ground you destroy all the animals
homes and coves and sometimes have to take it.