
Thursday, December 9, 2021

hello welcome back and today I am talking about what I have been making a Vex robot battle bot a photo of what I've made so far.

my group concluded of me and Lionel

we went through multiple stageswe tried making it faster and then we tried making it slower then we settled on making it faster then we made a RAM plough then redesign the body and i also forgot to take a photo throughout the experience.  the first we made it really long and never made it so I only had two powered wheels but then we figured out that it wouldn't turn very well we tried making the front of a really close to the back to see if that would improve turning then I have made the second version which is almost what's we see right now but instead I made it so two wheels are powered not for the second version has all four wheels powered and then I made it extremely close to the ground so I couldn't get underneath us.
then we constructed the arena out of 6 plastic beams and if you were to push them into the beans or outside the beams that the other person wins.